About Us
Who We Are
We are currently based in New England USA. In one of our visit back to Papua New Guinea recently, we developed interest in buying Arts and Crafts from village people in rural Papua New Guinea. We believe by doing this type of commerce, ordinary Papua New Guinean tribal man indirectly benifits by participating in the global economy. We have full stock of Papua New Guinean Baskets, Bags and Bilums, PNG organic coffee and many more PNG products soon to be listed.
The arts and artifacts we have in our inventory are mainly from Papua New Guinea, however few others are from different parts of the world collected during our travel.
We are constantly hunting for new and exciting treasures to add to our inventory

A few words about
In one of our visit back to Papua New Guinea recently, we developed interest in buying Arts and Crafts from village people in rural Papua New Guinea. We believe by doing this type of commerce, ordinary Papua New Guinean tribal man indirectly benefits by participating in the global economy.
A few other artifacts that we collected from other parts of the world that we collected during our travel will be listed soon
We’ve collected some original painting from Jamaica that will be listed on the website soon.
We recently visited PNG from January to March and brought some village crafts that we will be listing soon.
We are constantly hunting for new and exciting treasures to add to our inventory